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THANK YOU to our volunteers!

This website would not exist without the help of many.​

Founding Visionary: Ann Ciccolella (Austin Shakespeare)

Founding Inspiration: Marc Seriff (Seriff Productions)

Venue Group Leader/Blueprint Group: Lisa Sheps (Ground Floor Theatre)

Website Curators: Marc Pouhé, Christina Blake, Laura Gonzalez ...

Press: Nicole Shiro (Motley Crew Media) and Drew Nebrig (

We appreciate the following people who helped to imagine, prep, shoot, edit and voice the ATX Theatre launch videos (complete production credits are here): Marty Erhart, Will Douglas, David R. Jarrott, Drew Nebrig, Jose Lozano of Magic Spoon Productions, Joshua Cummins, Paula Wells, Allen Robertson, Sebastián Vitale, Brian Cheslik, Alejandra McGuire, Lindsay Palinsky, Dale Flatt, Robert Deike, Jonah Fujikawa, Alexander Hiers, Josh Kavanaugh, Jacquelyn Lies, Michael Osborn, Laura Trezise, Austin Brown, Christina Austin Lopez, Olivia Nice, Rachel Pallante, Jaston Williams, Patti Neff-Tiven, Lisa Scheps, Simone Alexander, Toby Al-Trabulsi, Emily Smith Cordoba, Kristen Gooch, Marissa Grace Johnson, Jim Lindsay, Cathie Sheridan, Gary Thornsberry, Teresa Cruz, Alex Cogburn, Bonnie Cullum, Hayley Armstrong, Jeremy Rashad Brown, Trey Deason, Kellee Fuller, Johann Mahler, Malyssa Quiles, Victoria Schwarz, Circe Sturm, Southwestern University Theatre Department, Sharron Bower Anderson, Sue Breland, Ann Ciccolella, & Jenny Lavery.

Website header/look-and-feel design: Jennifer Rose Davis (The Archive Theatre)

Logo/Tagline/Video Creative Director & Copywriting Team: Marty Erhart & Paula Wells

Creative Blueprint Team: Simone Alexander (New Manifest Theatre), Brian Cheslik (Deaf Austin Theatre), Jenny Lavery (Theatre En Bloc), Dave Jarrott (Jarrott Productions), Drew Nebrig (ZACH), Ann Ciccolella (Austin Shakespeare), Lisa Scheps (Ground Floor Theatre), Sharron Bower Anderson, Sue Breland (facilitator).

Operations/Website Builder & Maintainer/Youngsters: Sharron Bower Anderson

Special thanks to Michael Barnes.

Gratitude to Byron & Sparky Anderson for their patience.


Taji Senior in WATCH by Lisa B. Thompson, directed by Rudy Ramirez for Out of Ink (a new play festival sponsored by ScriptWorks), photo by Kenneth B. Gall (2016)


Supporters & Partners:


ATX Theatre is a community-centric, 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Your gift is tax-deductible. Paper checks may be mailed to: ATX Theatre, P.O. Box 160474, Austin, TX 78716. Thank you for considering a monthly sustaining gift to help keep Austin interesting!

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